

If you want to make a real splash on the social media scene, then good images are more important than ever before. Facebook findings back this up: according to recent reports, almost 50% of News Feed content today is photos and visual content. So now that you know the competition you’re up against, it’s time to figure out how to be creative and attention-grabbing with the images you are using on your business’s Facebook page.

One piece of prime Facebook real estate is the cover photo. This banner image, located right at the top of the profile, is one of the first items seen by visitors to your page and its importance is immense. Every cover photo is public and while there are some guidelines, the sky is nearly the limit for how you can represent your brand in this space.

And that’s really the key thing—you want this image to be recognisable, then go ahead and do some of the work to define your brand for current and future customers. So here are some of our tips on how to create a top-notch cover photo that will pull users in:

1. Call to Action: This is crucial on any website, and since policies have changed on Facebook, you can now include CTA’s in your cover photo too. These directional statements provide instructions to your users—things like “Like Us!” or “Click below to read more about us!” The cover photo is also the perfect spot to draw attention to the tabs located below; we’ve seen several successful cover photo versions that have worked arrows pointing to the tabs into the image design. Just remember that Facebook does limit how much text you can put in your cover photo, but as long as you follow their less than 20% text rule, you’ll be fine!

2. Stay Focused: If the cover photo is too loud or tries to express too many ideas at once, people won’t pay attention to it. Keep it simple and make sure it’s immediately representative of your brand.

3. Picture Quality: Any images you post on your page should be able to speak for themselves. Make sure the image you’re using for your cover photo are of high-quality and don’t appear cut off or extremely pixelated when resized to fit the cover photo space. For all you graphic designers out there, an image that’s 851×315 px works best.